Busy busy busy!


New Yorkers are one of the busiest people in the world. They walk fast, work hard every day. Their strong point is to have their own goal and dream, and they try to realize them.

On the other hand, their weak point is too busy to see surrounding them. When I ask direction to somewhere, they don’t tell it in a polite way. Because they always focus on their job, they don’t care about strangers.


 However, I feel many good things comparing with my country while I stay in NY. I can do whatever I want, I can have dream even it’s big here. Nobody criticize me and everybody around me cheers me up.

In addition, New Yorkers respect others’ character and life style. Whatever pelple do, others regard it as their personality. It means they have huge responsibilities against their behaviors. If people think they are lack of common sense, people point them out clearly.

My images of New Yorkers are independent and strong.

5 thoughts on “Busy busy busy!

  1. luisaocampoc

    I couldn’t agree more with you. The New Yorkers are very busy people and they always are focus on their goal. Never they have time for paying attention in other person or other situation.

    When you need to help from New Yorkers, you need to be assertive and have specific questions because they always are running.

    Otherwise, I like a little bit this culture because they know the real value time and this culture shows us that when you organize your time and have a organize schedule, you can achieve whatever your want.


  2. millenaradaelli

    I agree about New York’s being always in rush, maybe it happens because we are in the city that never sleeps.
    I also came from a big city and I’m used about being always busy and having no time. In other way, here in New York I frequently see people working like crazy, but they also have time to enjoy the city, like running at Central Park or drinking a beer at the pub’s.
    That’s why I’m just in love with the city and with the people. Of course you have to work hard here, but you also can enjoy your free time, and it’s something that is really difficult where I live because you’re always stuck on traffic and being angry with that, because people are so selfish. In New York I don’t see it happening a lot, maybe because they are used with foreign people and recognize that they living in an amazing city.


  3. Emily

    Thank you for share your opinion. Everything you describe of New Yorker are my opinion exactly. The New Yorkers work hard to attach their goal which can let them be more close to their dream, yet they lose the passion of connect with people and many beautiful things around them. Nonetheless, the stressful situation can encourage people to grow up the way of their thinking and handle affairs. Despite the New Yorker are so self-sufficient, I think we can become an independent person after the training in New York. Not a typical New Yorker, we should be the New Yorker with intense heart.


    1. aikitristan

      I suppose stress can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, stress is a huge contributing factor to unhappiness. On the other hand, pressured situations can be a catalyst for greater personal growth and self-reflection. I’m finding that as I live and work in New York, I experience both aspects. The trick is finding the time to connect with the beautiful things New York has to offer, like you said!


  4. pan21

    In my opinion, the passage get us understanding more about why New Yorkers have to be busy. As in the picture, the lady is carrying too much stuff but she has to do it because it is part of her job. Otherwise she will not be able to keep her job. In New York, if you want to survive, you need to do your best on your job and do it very hard.



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