Author Archives: luisaocampoc

Playing with Elephants in Indonesia!


If I had been in Indonesia, I could have played with this bunch of elephants.

If I had played with this animal, I would have ridden over it.

If I had had a lot of money, I might have bought this beautiful team.

If I had taken this picture, I would have wanted to play with those elephants.

If I had chosen the best animal of the year, I would have selected “The Elephant”.

To be a New Yorker!


New York is a cosmopolitan city, it nevers sleep, you have 24 hour and 7 days on the week different activities for any kind of person; also this international city receive thousands of tourists per hour.
However, for any tourist this city is the best on the world; but if you are thinking in live there, you need to know the real situation and how the most people live there.

Firstly, the typical New Yorker is busy, stressed and independent person. He has a long working day and after work, the majority of the cases he needs to do some activities at home.

Secondly, New York is over crowded, there is a lot of pollution and the public transit of this city every day carries about 10 million of people from the five boroughs; for those situations the New Yorkers become in stressed people. Every day, they have to put up this situation and try to attach here.

Moreover, the New Yorkers are self- sufficient, every person has to do everything by his self, it is because every person is focusing on his goal and how increase his money, for that situation no body has time for pay attention in another person. Rarely, New Yorkers say some expressions like this: good morning, how are you?and have a beautiful day.

Despite of this situation, you still can find New Yorkers that the eye contact and one smile are back, also have time for sharing a pair of minutes with someone and seeing a New York in different way like a tourist.

Finally, you are the only person that decide to be a traditional New Yorker or to see this amazing city in another way.